Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Get that girl a mood ring...

Thought we ought to talk about something that plagues us all in one way or another...  bad moods.  Prior to finding AdvoCare, I began to realize that my bad moods were far outweighing my good ones.  My family seemed to notice, too.  Apparently my doctor took notice because she suggested I begin taking something for my PMS (code for bitchy attitude and high anxiety).  I started it and it has had a remarkable effect on my ability to handle my load.  However, it also afforded me the clarity to look inside myself and see that it's actually not the rest of the world that's causing me to be so cantankerous- it's me!  I am a firm believer that if you have a chemical issue, you should take the proper medicines to fix them.  So, I do.

Fast forward to my new love for our high quality nutritional supplements.  My mood has escalated even more!  I tell you this because I was presented with a situation today that normally would have really set me off.  I would have be confrontational, perhaps reactive, and would have probably thrown out a few curse words...  Instead, I was unfazed.  It was a very strange experience for me because I actually expected to feel anger.  I told my friend that I wished I felt more over this, but I just don't.  I only felt relieved that I DIDN'T feel angry.  Sometimes we waste so much of our energy with negative thoughts and feelings.  It's very unhealthy.  I cannot tell you how liberating it is to be free (for the most part) of that.  I will admit that I still get frustrated, especially at homework time, but it's not a full-time shroud I wear.  I believe that I am creating a strong, healthy core within myself that is a much more positive and much lighter than my earlier self.  Basically, I like me a whole lot better.  Isn't that what it's all about?  You can't love anyone until you learn to love yourself?  I'm a work in progress, but aren't we all?  That's what makes it so much fun!

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