Because I have been stressed at work, I've done what all normal people do- I ignored work (right???)! That has given me time to look for a few more recipes and plan some meals. It also meant I had to go to my classroom last night and didn't get home until after midnight- but I do my best work under pressure (can I get an amen???). So I made a pretty good new recipe last night! Thought you'd like it too!
Ever since clearing out dairy from my diet, and then noticing how I felt after reintroducing it, I have wondered how vegan "dairy" options taste. I did some research and there are many choices for those who wish to be dairy free. Unfortunately, it is pretty pricy, but I am not choosing to be a complete vegan, just want to test the waters of the fake cheese ocean. In my research I found a few that melt well and our local Kroger carried one such cheese! It's dairy, gluten and lactose free shredded cheddar. I didn't tell anyone I was adding it to the recipe- what they don't know won't hurt them! :)
It's called daiya. Here's a pic:
I made my AMAZING salmon marinade, but put it on chicken, which is just as wonderful! Then I paired it with a new couscous recipe and the fake cheese. YUMMO!
Here it is.
Prep time: 15 mins
Total time: 15 mins
Serves: 4
1 1/4 cups broth
1 cup couscous
1 teaspoon butter (optional)- I didn't use it.
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)- I didn't use it.
1 teaspoon olive oil
2 cups spinach, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated- here's where I used the fake cheese
Bring water to a boil.
Add couscous, butter and salt.
Remove from heat and let stand 5 minutes.
In a shallow pan, heat oil.
Add spinach, lemon juice and parmesan cheese.
Cook until spinach wilts slightly and changes color (about 1 minute).
Remove from heat.
Mix spinach mixture with couscous.
Add freshly ground black pepper to taste.
Calories: 231 Fat: 5g Carbohydrates: 34gr Fiber: 2.5g
We had green beans, too, but the couscous was my favorite part!
Give it a try and let me know what you think!
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