Monday, July 2, 2012

I AM healthy!

I recently had a conversation with a friend that went something like this:
ME- hi
HER- Stop losing weight!!!!!
ME- I am not trying to lose weight (for once in my life), I'm eating clean and providing my body what it needs to work at its best.
HER- Right... (laced with sarcasm)

It's funny. I have spent the vast majority of my life counting calories, fat, carbs, points, whatever- all in the name of weight loss! I completely stop doing that, look instead at ingredients, and I am thinner, fitter, stronger and healthier than I have ever been... And no one believes me!!!! The irony!

So I think I've figured out why. When people struggle with their self-image it's easy to seek out a quick fix. Counting points or calories is easy. The actual diet of the person doesn't always change, but their perception of their diet does. It works for weight loss, but in the end most (not all) gain it back. Otherwise we'd all pay for the points counting club one time and be done... Me? I paid 4 times. Get the idea? My girlfriend found it easier to understand depriving myself over changing my lifestyle. Too much effort.

Tomorrow we are heading to the lake to soak up some sun an build castles in the sand. I'm looking forward to the time to relax and unwind. I plan to sleep in and stay up late. The only thing I will count are the stars in the sky. Ought to be plenty.

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