Saturday, July 28, 2012

Was that on purpose?

I love getting a good night's sleep...  Ok, I bet I would.  It is a rarity in my bed to sleep all night, uninterrupted, blissfully until morning.  Typically a small, yellow haired girl will sneak in and need retucked into her own pint-sized pillow top.  However, with a new perspective, that's not so bad.  In a few years I will miss that little giggle as she whispers (quite loudly) our names and pulls us from our sleepworlds. 

Lately, I've realized that every waking moment in my life (even when I am awoken by my daughters) is another moment to fulfill my purpose.  My purpose to be the best mom I can be, to be the best wife I can be, to be the best person I can be.  Because, I've learned that I cannot be good at anything, I cannot be a leader, a teacher, a friend, I cannot have solid footing in any arena unless my feet are solidly planted in my home. 

We went to Success School in Dallas, TX, last week.  Success School is AdvoCare's biannual convention for others to learn about the company, the business, and the products.  We spent time with amazing people who love helping others.  We listened to the AdvoCare science and medical board talk about our products and how they help so many people be WELL- not just lose weight, that's a nice byproduct, but truly find wellness and healthy living.  We learned about the newest products from the people who made them.  It was amazing to hear directly from the doctors themselves.  What a decorated group we have in the science and medical board!

Success School was so much more than that, though.  We learned that the founder of our company wants more for us than to just make money.  It's really so much bigger than that.  Our purpose is to be the best person we can be, and that starts at home.  One cannot make a difference outside the home until there is strength, love and peace within the home.  We left Dallas with God in our hearts, with love in our hearts, and with a stronger purpose. 

What do you dream?  What is your purpose?  It's yours to be had.  I believe this, now more than ever.  My purpose sits on my lap, helps me in the kitchen, loves to play soccer, reads at night, smiles up at me, lets me wipe away tears.  My purpose is a gift from God...  even when they  wake me up at night.

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